Data protection information regarding calls to s ServiceCenter of Erste Bank und Sparkassen

s ServiceCenter GmbH is a company of Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG and the Austrian savings banks. It acts as a service provider for the operation of the "24h Service" of Erste Bank and Sparkassen.

Here you can find an overview…

  • about the companies for which the s ServiceCenter is operating
  • about the general data protection information of the respective responsible companies within the meaning of the GDPR, their contact information and information about your rights under the GDPR 

The "24h Service" conducts phone calls for these responsible companies and handles the requests. During the provision of the services personal data of the callers is processed. You can find more information below.

For what purposes and on what legal basis is my personal data processed?

Processing based on legitimate interests

The telephone conversations conducted are recorded for the following purposes and their contents are written down (transcribed).

PurposeStorage of Audio RecordingTranscript storageRetention period
Documentation of legally relevant declarations – preservation of evidenceYesYes37 months
Identification of potential for improvement in the performance, efficiency and user-friendliness of banking products and servicesNoYes3 months
Quality monitoring of servicesNoYes3 months
Identification of potential for improvement in the performance, efficiency, adherence to processes and communication skills of individual call center employeesNoYes13 months

More information on the processing:

  • 1. Documentation of legally relevant declarations – preservation of evidence
    • Documentation of orders and disclosures of information covered by banking secrecy
    • Ensuring the legal conformity of the actions taken
    • Ensuring the subsequent verifiability of the contents of the conversation
    • Enforcement/defence of legal claims of the controllers

    • This applies to these cases:

    • If information subject to banking secrecy is disclosed, e.g. account balance
    • When legal dispositions of assets are made, e.g. clearance of a transfer or transaction
    • When master/product data is changed, e.g. card blocks

In case of need, it can also be a matter of examining improper and/or disrespectful behavior by the call center employees or a person calling.

If necessary, sound recordings can be passed on to third parties (authorities, persons responsible in the course of an audit in the company) for evidentiary purposes.

  • 2. Identification of potential for improvement in the performance, efficiency and user-friendliness of banking products and services
    • Ensuring and improving the quality of services of the responsible companies
    • Increasing caller satisfaction
    • Increasing customer loyalty

Feedback, problems and complaints about banking products and services are measured and used for improvement. 

  • 3. Quality monitoring of services 
    • Inspection whether service standards are adhered to in 24-hour service
    • Prevention of complaints

The responsible companies have an interest in ensuring that the 24-hour service complies with the existing regulations and internal rules. 

  • 4. Identification of potential for improvement in the performance, efficiency, adherence to processes and communication skills of individual call center employees
    • Ensuring and improving the service quality of call center employees (compliance, increasing efficiency)
    • Evaluating and ensuring the performance development of call center employees
    • Derivation of general training measures - in anonymised form

The responsible companies have an interest in ensuring that the persons working for them act correctly and that the quality of the performance within the framework of the employment relationship can be effectively monitored (conducted phone calls). In addition, due to their due diligence obligations, credit institutions are considerate to identify and prevent fraudulent activities.

Processing details


The audio recordings are first transmitted in encrypted form to an analysis software. There the voice recordings are transcribed in text form. In the next step, the software automatically identifies keywords and phrases with the help of artificial intelligence. On this basis, the reason for the call is derived and the call content is assigned to one of the call purposes described above. Only the reason for the call and call data are stored. All other data relating to the calls, that are outside the purposes described above, will be deleted after 48 hours at the latest.

The software used does not have an automated self-learning capability. The settings and results are reviewed on an ongoing basis. The system does not conduct automated decision-making, but classifies the calls according to the specified criteria.

For purposes 2 to 4, further analyses of the spoken words are carried out in order to be able to objectively assess the quality of the calls and services, e.g. greeting, concerns/problems, affected services, solution, farewell. Subsequently this data is statistically evaluated for the fulfilment of purposes 2 to 4. If we detect deviations, individual conversations can also be used as part of targeted quality measures for individual call center employees or in anonymized form for general training of call center employees. 

Erste Bank Advisory-Centre

If the 24-hour service conducts telephone calls for Erste Bank, these telephone calls can also be forwarded to the Erste Bank Advisory-Centre.
Telephone conversations in the Advisory-Centre are processed for the purposes 1, 2 and 4 already described. Unlike the 24-hour service, the telephone conversations are not transcribed.

If audio recordings are stored for the purpose of documenting legally relevant declarations (see Purpose 1), third parties may examine the recordings with random samples as described in Purposes 2 and 4. These third parties are employees of Erste Bank who are responsible for the audit.
The employees listen to the recording in order to assess the quality of the services and the work of the call center agents. For example, the welcome, concerns and problems addressed, affected services, solution or farewell, are examined.

If deviations from our expected performance are detected, we may use the recordings for these purposes:

  • for targeted quality measures of individual call center employees 
  • in anonymized form for general training of call center employees and to improve our services

Processed data

  • Call data
    Date and time of the call
    Dialed hotline number
    Affected company
    Phone numbers of the person making the call
    Duration of the call (wait time, talk time, wrap-up time)
    Processes carried out in the banking systems
    Call center employees data
    Customer ID (if uniquely identified)
  • Conversation data
    Audio recording
    Transcript of the conversation
    Information obtained, e.g. reason for contact, previously described analysis data on the conversation

How can I assert my right to object?

At the beginning of the conversation, we inform the data subjects of the recording, its purposes and their right to object. An objection is possible at the beginning or during the course of the conversation. For more information on your rights under the GDPR, please refer to the general data protection information of the respective responsible company mentioned at the beginning.